How to Join


At East Carolina University, the joining process for each organization is based on their governing council and their National and Regional Offices. The process to join an organization is different for each governing council.


IFC Recruitment (Fraternities)

The formal recruitment process is strongly encouraged. This is an opportunity for men to meet all of the fraternities within IFC and then make decisions of who they would like to get to know further and join. This process takes place in the early fall semester and the early spring semester. All prospective participants must register through the online registration system that can be found within the ECU Fraternity and Sorority Life website. A participant’s eligibility will be based on his most recent completed academic semester, whether that be graduating from high school or ending a collegiate academic semester.

To be eligible to join:

  • Men coming from High School must have an unweighted 2.75 High School GPA.
  • Men currently enrolled in college, men must have a 2.60 cumulative GPA based on 12 or more credits.

We will not round up or make exceptions for those who are below this standard. Please make sure you meet the standard before registering.

Interfraternity Council

MGC Membership Intake (Fraternities & Sororities)

Each chapter within MGC conducts their own membership intake after their National or Regional Office approves the process for bringing in new members. Membership may not happen every semester or academic year. Students who are interested in joining an MGC organization are encouraged to attend chapters’ events, educational forums and civic engagement opportunities to get to know more about the organizations and its members.

To be eligible to join:

  • The minimum standard is 12 credit hours of college coursework and a 2.5 collegiate GPA.

Each specific chapter along with their National and Regional Offices determine their own membership requirements and some organizations may have higher standards for membership.

Multicultural Greek Council

NPHC Membership Intake (Fraternities & Sororities)

NPHC organization host membership intake after their National or Regional Office approves the process for bringing in new members. Membership intake may not happen every semester or academic year. At the beginning of each semester, NPHC will host an event called “Meet the Greeks” where interested students can learn more about the joining requirements of the NPHC organizations on our campus as well as what it means to be a member of their organization. Students are encouraged to get to know organizations and their members through their attendance at chapter events, educational forums and civic engagement opportunities.

To be eligible to join:

  • The minimum standard is 12 credit hours of college coursework and a 2.5 collegiate GPA.

Each specific chapter along with their National and Regional Offices determine their own membership requirements and some organizations may have higher standards for membership.

National Pan-Hellenic Council

Panhellenic Recruitment (Sororities)

The organizations within the Panhellenic Association will host Primary Recruitment early in the fall semester. All interested and prospective members must register through the online registration form on the ECU Fraternity and Sorority Life Website. Recruitment will provide women with an understanding of what it means to be in a sorority and the expectations of membership.

To be eligible to join:

  • The minimum standard is a 2.5 unweighted high school GPA or 2.5 collegiate GPA.

Each specific chapter along with their National Organization determine their own membership requirements and some organizations may have higher standards for membership.

We will not round up or make exceptions for those who are below this standard.  Please make sure you meet the standard before registering.

Panhellenic Association